Friday, August 19, 2011

Closing Time

Despite the fact we still have people coming through our gates for Retreat Season, it still seems quiet around here. The blob isn’t quite as busy, the Rio is a little calmer, and there are fewer people at our evening dance parties. In short, WE MISS YOU!
There is nothing like summer camp, and especially nothing like CBS. Where else can you stand up on your table at dinner and yell “Five Bullets Baby!” or wear head-to-toe purple clothing and no one thinks twice about it? How about you try yelling “pick it up!” in the cafeteria at school and see how people respond…actually, probably don’t try that. Where is it acceptable to pie someone in the face? Where can you see your best friends year after year after year? That’s what I thought, nowhere else but CBS!
Even though camp is over, it does not mean the phun times are forgotten or the friendships are on hold until next summer. Your camp friends are just a text message, phone call, facebook chat, or tweet away! Make the effort to keep up with each other, meet up and chat over a corn dog and a cold glass of Squincher, and create more phun for yourselves. Throw up a casual "Tatonka" when y'all are together and get a pick-up game of O-Ball going!
Campers: We couldn’t do camp without you—literally! Your passion to continue coming back, dancing wildly, and playing hard for your teams makes this place what it is. Never lose touch with the friends you made here, they are going to be your friends  for years to come!
Counselors: Thank you for making this one of the best summers of Camp yet! Your commitment to bettering the lives of our campers is admirable and unmatched in camping. You poured out love on these kids when you were fresh 1st term and when you were exhausted 4th term, and you still continue to do it by keeping in touch with them. You make camp great. 

Be sure to Follow us on Facebook and on Twitter to find out when we’ll be stopping by near you!
Look for news and tell your friends to check us out on our website at

This is never goodbye, this is only See You Next Summer!

Thank You Allison Rushing for letting us use your pictures!