Hopefully you will get a little bit out of this blog, and hopefully I can remember to post a few things though my busy schedule of hanging out, playing tennis, and watching American Idol or while I'm in the office, planning for the summer, hiring counselors, and recruiting campers. As you can tell, I live a pretty eventfilled life!
I've had many adventures with camper throughout the years. I will post about those too. Like the time I took some older campers to see a scary movie in Dallas, and a certain younger brother came with us, I won't mention names **Dean**, but he was so scared he had to sit next to me. Or the geocaching hunt that took us all over the city of Austin, only to find a series of Rubber Duckies? Weird. Phun times.
I will also give some camp history in this blog as well. Ever heard the rumor about the suburban in Lake Ted. Well, I got the full story. Stay tuned.
As for now, I must get back to playing basketball in the camp office, I mean, sending out important emails. Till next time.