Let me preface this tale. As you all should know we are a Christian camp so Easter holds great significance for us. It celebrates Christ death and resurrection which is a huge foundation for all that we believe. But here in America we have also secularized parts of this. One of the images we attribute to Easter, is the Easter bunny. Well I didn't see any bunnies that day, but I did see a turtle.

Jenn suggested that we return Mr Turtle to his home in the lake. I agreed and thought it would be great to let the Easter Turtle have an adventure by sending it down the wedginator. Anyway, we hit the switch for the water, but nothing came out. After thinking for a moment we decided that it would still be great to send him (or her...hey I don't know how to check!!!!).
This simple thing ended up being one of my most fond moments of camp. I launch the turtle down the wedginator and he comes to a stop about 2/3 of the way down. We then watched as he slowly but surely made his way down the wedginator. He stopped every so often, but finally made his way to the edge. Our Easter Turtle paused for about a minute and then like any great wedginator participant took the plunge. Well for those of you who have seen camp you know Mr Ted is really low and b/c of this the drop from the wedge is pretty high. It took the turtle several seconds to finally hit the water and he made a considerable splash.
Jenn and I laughed sooo hard. It was one of the funniest things I've seen in quite some time. But I will leave all of you with this. If ever you find yourself a little scared of doing the wedginator just tell yourself if the Easter Turtle can do, it so can I.
Oh and check back b/c Jenn said she would put up the real pictures and I'll try and add those.
I really wish I could have seen that. I laughed just picturing it.