Friday, March 6, 2009

Camp is Beautiful

It has become a common occurrence in this office to all of the sudden find people "missing". One minute we're all chatting and working away, and the next minute we're looking around going "where is everyone?" Well this mystery, when you think about it, is no mystery at all.

Camp is a beautiful place, and the last couple days have been filled with extra beauty with the spring weather. It is just human nature to find yourself drawn towards the out of doors. Don't get me wrong, the office is lovely with it's concrete floors and soothing light green color, but nothing compares to the beauties of camp.

There is the crisp blue color of Lake Ted, the bright green blanket of grass on the sports fields, the faint whisper of quacking coming from the fishing pond, the strangely strong smell of horse poo near the barn, and the exquisite landscaping around camp including the peace-sign flower bed outside the Rio. I mean, need I say more?

That being said, we full time people of camp, make it our duty to escape the confines of the office and enjoy the blessings of this beautiful land. I hope that you are able to live vicariously through us this year until summer brings you back again.

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