So sometimes it gets a little boring at camp without any campers. Sure there are some great and wonderful people here to have fun with. There are llamas, mini-horses, and many other random animals to play with. There is a lot of hiking and exploring to be done on the property, but sometimes you just want that something different. Ya know? Well, yesterday I decided to do something about it…I went skydiving.
Now, some of you may be thinking…why on earth would anyone ever want to go jumping out of a plane, but let me tell you it may have been one of the best experiences of my life (outside of working here at CBS of course). Not only was I having an extremely invigorating feeling while free falling through the sky at 120mph for a full minute, but I also learned a couple of things on the way down.
1. Trust- I was doing what is called tandem jumping which means I had a trained skydiver attached to me that really did all of the work. But as I was flying up in the plane I started thinking ‘What if this guy doesn’t hook everything in correctly?’, ’What if the parachute wasn’t properly put in the bag?’, ‘What if something crazy happens?’ I mean honestly, 60 seconds is a long time to think when you’re falling from 13,000 feet. However, I realized that I was completely trusting in the trained skydiver and all of what he had been taught for years before this jump. Not only that, I was also trusting God to keep me safe from elements that were out of that man’s control.
2. Live life to the fullest- During that trip down I also realized what it was like to simply live life. Often times we get used to our surroundings and our lives and settle for what is ‘comfortable’. Yesterday was a new thing for me and something that was not in the least bit comfortable at first, but there are so many things out there can be uncomfortable at first but end up being a blessing when it is all said and done.
Now I’m already dragging this on so I won’t even talk about the beauty of God’s creation from a literal bird’s eye view, which was also amazing. However, I would like to say that this was an incredible experience and if you ever get bored, try something new. You never know what type of experience God has in store for ya.
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