First of all, it's quiet. too quiet. No one running around screaming & laughing, no risk of getting hit with a water balloon everytime I walk past B compound, no one banging their forks on their plates everytime we eat in the Rio.... it's weird. I'm ready for you guys to get back!
And then there's the name thing. No one calls me "Hot Drinks" in the off season. Everyone calls me "Anna" and it's a little confusing at times because there is also Ann (the girls' camp director) who works in the office and people tend to get our names mixed up. And then half the time, I don't even think that people realize that "Anna" and "Hot Drinks" are the same person. Yep, it's still me, Anna S. Drinkwitz..... weird last name, I know. That's why it was shortened to "Drinks." And the "Hot" part? Well, who isn't a little bit hot when you're outside in the middle of a Texas Summer?
Another weird thing about living at camp in the off season is the llamas. Sometimes I feel like I live at a petting zoo or something. Q-Tip and Cookie (our two llamas) like to wander around camp and lay around all day long. By la
That's one of the coolest parts about living at camp. I get to have llamas & horses (even a mini-horse!) as my pets. And I have two lakes, a treehouse, tennis courts and a basketball court in my backyard. It's pretty sweet.
Too bad it's only me, Kim and Ann in the office today. Everyone else is at CAMPference, a conference about camping. Otherwise, I'd suggest we all go play a quick game of knockout on the basketball courts. Maybe tomorrow......
Until next time,
Anna aka "Hot Drinks"
Anna/Hot Drinks I'm ready for us all to be back at camp too. By the way I know how it feels to have a nickname you're called by all the time then not get called by it and it feels weird. I have a nickname here at school, well a few actually, but no one at camp this past summer knew it so I was just Allison again (this is Allison Rushing by the way) which was kinda strange. I'm sure my nickname (which is my blogspot username so you can figure it out) will get spread at camp this summer though because Alex Vance is the one who started it and he rarely calls me anything else. Anyway, just wanted to say I miss y'all, and I like that there's a blog now. Can't wait for this summer! (oh and my main nicknames at school are Pidge and Big Al) -Allison-