Thursday, March 26, 2009

Llama Attack - Two Rushed to Emergency

So, I admit I don't really like the rain although 'them are fighten' words' around here right now since we need it so much. Something to do with water activities . . . blog, blog, blog. We could live in a drought 24/7 and I'd be happy as long as the sun is out and I've got a sprinkler, but the lakes don't much like that interference with their levels - so, despite my selfish nature and the idolizing of the sun I do understand the necessity of gloomy, rainy days.

Anyway, I have my moments that rain doesn't drive my dobber in the dirt with the restless 'blues' and last night was one of those rare moments in my life People, we not only had rain - we had frozen precipitation pelting us with marble sized balls, jumbo sized gum balls, all the way up to golf size balls. It came down in no small measure and would have undoubtedly sent a police radar over the top in the speed by which it assaulted us. All hail to mother nature, if you know what I mean (I'll pause right here and let that sink in a sec) . . . hehe . . whatever, so everything was blanketed, even if only for a short while, in white and it was sooo loud, and sooo exhilerating. Don't know if mother nature was making a point, or just letting off some steam, but she was definately in a fury for about ten minutes leaving us with - what was it? - almost 30 bags of leaves just in the immediate area and a little more damage to some of our trees and windows, but we faired much better than some of our neighbors to the north and even those to the south, so we are counting our blessings as we clean up the debris and replace glass. Come on, you can't keep a good [camp] down . . . .

So, anyhooo . . . . that's life at camp right about now. Oh, no llama attack, sorry - I was just afraid that without the right bait you wouldn't bite on my blog. (I won't cry wolf again just in case the llamas do attack and we wish to report on it for your serious reading entertainment.)


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